Thursday, February 6, 2014

Blog 14: Independent Component 1

    (a) Statement saying: “I, Emmely Avila, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”
    (b) Cite your source regarding who or what article or book helped you complete the independent component: Kevin Lopez(my mentor) helped me complete my independent component, as well as the book "Starting and Building a non profit".
    (c) Provide a digital spreadsheet (aka log of the 30 hours).   Post it next to your mentorship log.
  • (d) Explanation of what you completed: When deciding what I would be doing through the independent component I said I would continue doing hours at my mentorship. Which I did do, I went several times a week, attended the meetings we hold at the venue and even helped facilitate some of them with my mentor Kevin. I volunteered to help run the door at other events like I usually do for hours. On the other hand, I did say that I was going to book one of my own shows. Which I did successfully! I got in contact with a few bands that are relitively local(all LA county), I was the person who decided on the date the show would be and how much admission would be. As for that show, I also helped put the flyer together (which I have posted on my blog but I will also add it to this post as proof). I'm also going to be posting an extra blog post on my blog which will have all the information on how the event went. Another thing I did for the show I put on was promote it. I'm also attaching a screenshot of some promoting I did on a few social medias. Aside from hosting my very own event all by myself(with my mentor shadowing me to make sure I was okay), I helped book two more events. One is later one this month and another on is in March!
    Defend your work and explain how the significant parts of your component and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work.   Provide evidence (photos, transcript, art work, videos, etc) of the 30 hours of work. :What I did for my 30 hours does demonstrate an actual 30 hours of work because it is what I usually do for my other mentorship hours. I put my own time aside and volunteered at the venue like I usually do. I do things to help the venue. Some things I did during my mentorship(like said before) was attend meetings, help paint a wall, booked my first event(and actually had it happen). Here are some pictures and a description of that is going on and why I am including them.
-Above is a picture that I took myself from attendees point of view. This picture was taken at the first even I successfully put together by myself on February 1, 2014. This is a band called "Seasons Change" from Pico Rivera. I was able to get this band, and all the other bands to the venue on time and end the event according to schedule. The main reason I am including this photo is because it marks the end of the first event I put together. It symbolizes to myself that even I, being a 17 year old teenage can put together an event by herself. To me it represents communication, planning and determination.
-When first saying what I would do for my independent component back in October, I mentioned that I would help promote the events I put on by myself. Above is a screenshot of the flyer I helped make for the event I held, and proof of promoting it. I was actually put in charge of the instagram that Bridgetown(the place of my mentorship) has! I get to log in and post about upcoming meeting, events, etc.
    How did the component help you understand the foundation of your topic better?  Please include specific examples to illustrate how it helped: One big thing that I did during my independent component that helped me gain a better understanding of the foundation of my senior project was being able to put on a successful event. I was the one who had to get in contact with bands. By that I mean that I was the one to call them, email them, and ask them to play the event. I was the person who had to make sure everyone was on schedule, that the area was clean and that everything went according to plan. The reason I strongly believe that this helped me understand more of the foundation was because, my whole project revolves around running a successful venue. In order to run a venue, you need to hold events. If you do not understand or know how to hold an even, which will bring revenue(money/people), then you will not have any venue to hold your events in. I also learned that I have to have back up plans. After everything was set in stone for the event, I was told that one of the bands would not be able to make it to the event. I had to rush and find another band to fill in the empty spot. It wasn't hard to do, but it was upsetting to find out days before that I would have to find another band to play.
Grading Criteria 
  • Log on a digital spreadsheet 
  • Evidence of 30 hours of work 
  • LIA submitted to blog

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